Lessons from a Heated Public Policy Conflict

Lessons from a Heated Public Policy Conflict

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Back in June of 2002, G8 meetings set to commence in Calgary were jeopardized when security arrangements ran up against lobbying taxi drivers, outraged over proposed changes to taxi licencing. The drivers picketed on the City Hall steps, right where the army intended to install security barriers. I was retained by the city to intervene.

Lesson 1) Parties must buy into and participate in a process they themselves helped design.

I chose a “design with not for” (See article here) approach and met separately with the taxi leadership, company owners and the city. This insured the parties felt that they had agency over resolving the conflict, rather than a decision being imposed on them.

Lesson 2) The parties must empower the facilitator to intervene.

Angry shouting and name calling dominated early negotiations. We felt empowered to intervene creatively by providing nerf balls and allowing the parties a few minutes throwing them at each other. This resulted in considerable hilarity. More importantly, it relieved tension, reminded all parties of their shared humanity and refocused on shared dialogue about options for a solution.

Lesson 3) Shift the conversation from the past to the future.

My aim was to remove the picket by bringing the appropriate parties to the table and establishing a dialogue about the future away from the spotlight of the press. This was only accomplished when the parties let go of past grievances and stepped back from the drama of the moment to focus on what they wanted to accomplish moving forward.

At the onset it appeared this local conflict could go on to have global repercussions, demonstrating the importance of reaching a quick and lasting solution. If handled properly, even the most heated exchanges can turn into productive conversations.

For more information about these steps or for other assistance with conflict management please contact us at:

[email protected]


3 Ways You Can Turn Conflict into Opportunity

3 Ways You Can Turn Conflict into Opportunity

Reading Time: < 1 minute

  1. Know that all conflict exists in our stories of the past about what happened to us and what we made it mean. To drag these stories into the present moment only causes us to re-live them. Remind those caught in conflict of this fact.
  2. Step back from your own story and separate what happened from what you made it mean. Take a blank sheet of paper and on the left side right down what happened, just the facts. On the right side write down what you made it mean. Speculate on what others might have made it mean. Explore these interpretations and judgements for the source of your conflicts.
  3. Shift from a debate about right or wrong, fault or blame to a dialogue that shares your stories about what is really the most important. This is about understanding, not about being right. Here is a great first question to start the conversation: “Please help me understand how this has impacted you”? Then listen carefully for what happened and what they made it mean.

For more information about these steps or for other assistance with conflict management please contact us at:

[email protected]


Designing A Mediation That Works

Designing A Mediation That Works

Reading Time: 5 minutes

The role of a mediator is often misunderstood. Similarly, the roles of counsel, parties and other advisors may be unclear. Too often mediation is viewed as something that is being done to the participants rather than done with them. This can result in fuzzy or muddled expectations, and ultimately a failed process. Over time this lack of clarity can lead to counsel skepticism and resistance to mediation proposals.

In my experience most veteran mediators have a personal stand, an inner mantra about who they are and how they act when mediating. Mine follows: “I strengthen the fabric of goodwill and cooperation that exists in the world by helping people and organizations have difficult conversations and resolve conflicts.”

This keeps me grounded and purposeful when the emotional furnace that is so often at the center of conflict heats up. Think of a hockey game when the linesman blows down a very close offside at a crucial point in the game. That is just ‘what happened’The drama and potential conflict arise as fans bring meaning and emotion to the ‘right and wrong’ of the moment.

To engage fully with my inner guidance, I am motivated to begin every mediation referral with a design conversation. As I mentioned in my first newsletter, The Nature of Conflict, “one size does not fit all”. It follows that something this important to the immediate well-being of the parties deserves to be properly designed and properly understood.

Let’s start with what I find is a useful working proposition for a successful mediation process.

“A mediation is most likely to succeed when the right parties, armed with the right information, are committed to participate in a facilitated dialogue about their past in search of a future solution for the issues that matter most to them. “

During a mediation, ‘Dialogue’ is what occurs when we share our stories about our past and its meanings, while exploring together our underlying interests and needs and those of the other parties. ‘Debate’ on the other hand, is about more than right, wrong, fault and blame in service of winning. It is a joint search for a legitimate legal framework for resolution.

In mediation parlance, this can show up as the distinction between facilitative mediation and evaluative mediation and is often part of counsels’ discussions about who should be their mediator and what their clients need from the mediation.

Mediation works best when all the parties considering mediation understand the process in which they are being invited to participate. The mediator and counsel can collaborate to determine the right balance between facilitation and evaluation. The parties can have meaningful input into their own role and that of their counsel or advisor. They can be encouraged to take more ownership of their process and they can be introduced to the distinction between ‘what happened’ and ‘what they made it mean’. This design conversation will also address the right time, the right parties, the right Information, as well as practical matters such as confidentiality, mediation briefs, costs etc.

I have been mediating for 30 years and, the more attention I devoted to the “Design With Not For” model, the more I experience empowered and effective participation by all those involved in the process. This in turn led to increased willingness by participants to let go of the past and its roadblocks and barriers to creative solutions for the future.

Let me give you a couple of examples. They have been modified to protect confidentiality.

I was retained to mediate a dispute between an organic farm operation and an Oil and Gas company that had suffered from a sour gas plant H2S release. This triggered an emergency response plan that absolutely overwhelmed and panicked the family and resulted in ongoing psychological trauma that prevented the family from residing in their home. Efforts to resolve matters stalled amidst legal issues of causation and liability as well as very divergent beliefs about the facts and what they meant to each side.

Our design conversation resulted in a two-part process:

1st A recently retired Justice of the Court of Queens’ Bench with specific expertise was retained to provide an opinion on the legal framework for the mediation. 2nd I facilitated a day long mediation session that explored what actually happened, what it meant and what was really most important for the parties’ future. On the basis of that shared understanding and equipped with the legal opinion the parties were able to find a creative resolution that addressed both sides’ interests. Both agreed that closure and privacy were key factors and the family reported experiencing a return of control over their lives. It was truly a win-win, if only because both sides had equally compromised.

The second example did not arise from litigation and lawyers were not yet involved in the conflict. This family was very wealthy but becoming increasingly dysfunctional. The father and son were fighting over control of the family business operations. The son’s wife, in support of her husband, prevented the grandparents from visiting their young grandchildren. Both parents had ongoing health issues. The daughter and son also shared a long history of animosity beginning with apparent school yard bullying and leading to their current disdain for each other’s lifestyle choices and a complete breakdown in communication. The daughter’s passion was for global adventure and environmental causes affecting the earth’s oceans. She had no interest in the family business and refused to participate.

A skilled family enterprise advisor had worked with the family members, and with the assistance of experts in business and tax planning, created a business transition plan. The son saw the plan as an attack on his capabilities to run the business and refused to participate. His sister saw the plan as unfairly favoring the brother. All communication in the family broke down for more than a year which also began to have serious negative consequences for the family enterprise.

A mutual friend suggested that the family try mediation and then referred them to me. I connected with each of them individually by phone to share the idea of designing a unique mediation process. With their agreement I conducted individual design meetings where I explained the mediation process, discussed my role and then worked through the distinction between ‘what happened’ and ‘what they made it mean’. I listened intensely to each member’s stories and began a shift from right and wrong to a greater awareness of their interests and needs, as individuals, as a family and as a business.

We agreed on a two-day mediation session with the business issues to be set aside until the family had shared their stories for understanding. They all agreed that I would have the ‘referee’s whistle’ and would therefore be empowered to keep the dialogue on track and on what really mattered in their hopes for the future.

They all agreed that it was a very tough couple of days. At times it was extremely messy and painful. Their experience was not instantaneous peace and reconciliation for almost 20 years of familial issues. It did however result in a heartfelt promise to rebuild their family with a shared vision of the future and a commitment to effective communication and collaboration.

With the excellent foundation already set by the financial experts, the family was able to agree to a business and asset transition plan in a couple of hours at the end of day two. Of particular note were the arrangements made between the daughter and the son for the enterprise to provide substantial financial support to the daughter’s environmental initiatives.

On a more personal and emotional note, during the ride to the airport for my flight home the father thanked me profusely for “saving his family”.

For more information about these Steps or assistance with difficult negotiations contact:
[email protected]


The Nature of Conflict

The Nature of Conflict

Reading Time: 5 minutes

“Breath on a mirror. If it fogs over, you have conflict.”

This phrase signifies an undeniable fact of life: that conflict is inevitable.

As with any challenge, it is useful to consider the nature of conflict in order to deal with it effectively. All conflict exists in our stories of the past about what happened, what we made it mean and the emotional attachment we have to those stories. Conflict exists today only because we bring our stories of right and wrong, and of fault and blame, with us into the present moment.

When caught in the middle of a conflict, we can often become entrenched in the view that we are right and they are wrong, and that this would be evident to anyone if they’d only listen to our story.

These beliefs are closely tied to our identity and our values. When we feel that those are threatened, we enroll allies to validate our position and weaken our opponents. We become invested in our stories as the best and often the only way to get our interests and needs met. When the allure of being right outweighs the willingness to reach a resolution, a stalemate occurs and we become stuck in story.

I call this the “Trap of Conflict”. It’s everywhere. We become so invested in our perspective that we don’t consider it to be ‘a story’, but the absolute truth, so much so that we would fully expect to pass a lie detector test if questioned. This is what it means to be “caught in story”, where we lose the ability to distinguish between what happened – the facts — and what we made them mean – our story.

Communications breakdown and become accusatory. Long standing relationships become toxic. Hopelessness looms and “war” feels inevitable. Even those who can afford the war, in whatever form it takes, are ultimately hindered by this process. While victory may seem certain, the timing of it may not—a lawyer recently told me that a one-week trial in the Court of Queens Bench is now booking well into 2020.

Escape from this trap is simple, but even simple tasks can be difficult to complete.

The 12th century Sufi mystic, Jalal al-din Muhammad Rumi, provided some wisdom in how to break free by changing our perspective and how we approach conflict altogether. He wrote: “Out beyond ideas of right doing and wrong doing there is a field. I’ll meet you there.”

This might seem like a heady concept, but it’s as simple as Wayne Dyer said: “When we change how we see things, the things we see change.” When we step back from our story and separate what happened from what we made it mean, we open up a whole different dialogue. A new range of possible options for resolution that meets the interests and needs of all the parties becomes our focus.

But why Mediate?

Simply stated, mediation is the structure and process that creates Rumi’s field.

I often get asked by lawyers and their clients, “Why should we mediate when negotiations have stalled and we already know what the other side is going to say”.

This trap of conflict, sees each party shift their focus from a mutual resolution to a cut and dry victory for one side, even if it takes all the tools in a litigator’s tool box and outrageous sums of money to do so.

It’s a runaway train with few ways off short of the court house steps.

Mediation then, is a much-needed pit stop. It is the siding along the tracks and gives all those involved a chance to pause and re-focus on options for solution.

Mediation shifts the conversation from a debate about who is right or wrong and the burden of proof to a dialogue about sharing our stories for what is really the most important and what we can do about it together in the future.

It can accommodate creative solutions that are outside the litigation box and often not available to Judges, it allows the clients themselves to retain the final say over their outcome, and when it’s properly designed, engages the parties in their own unique collaboration.

Let me give you an example. I was recently asked to mediate a dispute between a sour gas processing plant and a contiguous multi-generational farming operation. It involved contaminants from the plant flowing into the farm water wells that seriously impacted the farm’s operations. When this occurred, the family had been focused on the transfer of their very successful farm to the third generation. Prior negotiations had dealt extensively with ‘fault’ and ‘blame’ focused on financial compensation and the potential purchase of the farm including the grandparent’s grave sites. It had left very frustrated parties stuck in their stories of the past and at a complete impasse about how to remedy the situation.

The initial mediation design conversations established a process and a commitment by the parties and their counsel to explore creative solutions and test those solutions against negotiated criteria. Conversations shifted to real options for the future that would address both sides’ interests and concerns. This is where things got interesting.

During private caucus meetings the dialogue disclosed divergent interests by the younger family members that challenged the assumptions about the farm’s future. This in turn led to an exploration of options that otherwise would never have appeared as possibilities. I worked with both sides to facilitate a conversation that produced a new level of understanding. This resulted in a completely unexpected and unique solution for the family. It was made possible because the parties and their advisors took ownership of their own process and stayed committed to a creative dialogue.

In post mediation debriefs, the consensus of all parties involved was that the process had empowered them to co-create a solution that significantly exceeded their expectations.

It has been my experience over the last 30 years that most lawyers want quick and effective results for their clients, so they often support the notion of mediation. There are however some valid questions, albeit addressable, that get in the way of this support.

Hesitations toward mediation often see parties ask: “But is it the right time for mediation?”, “Don’t we need a judge present?” and “What kind of information will I have to reveal?”. It is also quite common to hear the sentiment “We already know what the other side is going to say,” in some form or another.

I approach every mediation request as an opportunity to engage the parties and their lawyers in the custom design of their unique mediation process. All these questions should be addressed collaboratively in a pre-mediation design process, as one size does not fit all.

In a very real sense, the mediator and the lawyers are each other’s best allies in reaching Rumi’s field.

In my next newsletter I will discuss how the parties and their advisors can design together their own unique mediation process.

For more information about these steps or for other assistance with conflict management please contact us at:

[email protected]


Why Mediation?

Why Mediation?

Reading Time: 2 minutes

I get asked this all the time when negotiations go south. “What’s the point of mediating when we already know everything they have to say?”

My answer is simple: Mediation involves a much bigger box than litigation. Here are three reasons why:

Firstly, it can shift the conversation from a debate about the past and fault and blame to a dialogue about what’s really most important and what we can do about it together in the future.

Secondly, it can accommodate creative solutions that are outside the litigation box and generally not available to judges.

Thirdly, because when it is properly designed it actively engages the parties in their own unique collaboration.

Let me give you an example.
I was asked to mediate a dispute between a sour gas processing plant and a contiguous multi-generational dairy farming operation. It involved contaminants from the plant flowing into the farm water wells that seriously impacted the farm’s operations. Prior negotiations had dealt extensively with ‘fault’ and ‘blame’ and had left very frustrated parties at an impasse about how to remedy the situation.

The initial mediation design conversations created a process and a commitment by the parties and their counsel to explore creative solutions and test those solutions against agreed criteria both scientific and fact based.

During private caucus meetings the family dialogue disclosed divergent interests by some family members. This in turn led to an exploration of options that otherwise would never have occurred as possibilities. I worked with both sides to facilitate a conversation that led to a new level of understanding. This resulted in a completely unexpected and uniquely appropriate solution for this family farm. It was made possible because the parties and their advisors took ownership of their own process and stayed committed to a creative dialogue.

In post mediation debriefs, the consensus of all parties involved was that the process had empowered them to co-create a solution that significantly exceeded their expectations.

When conflict impacts our personal or business lives, anger, fear and frustration are often companions on the journey. I approach every mediation as an opportunity to engage the parties, their lawyers, and advisors in the design of a unique resolution process that encompasses all their needs–a bigger box.

For more information about these Steps or assistance with difficult negotiations contact:
[email protected]
