We Turn Conflict into Opportunity HOW DO WE DO IT?CONTACT US TODAYResolve/Prevent

There are 3 ways we help you manage conflict
David’s expertise in both Mediation and Conflict Coaching enables him to help you manage all types of conflicts. Our one-on-one coaching sessions or group workshops will teach you how to handle difficult conversations and challenging negotiations. With this training you will learn how to get ahead of conflict. We are also available to mediate/facilitate conflicts that have or could lead to litigation. This will help you reach a resolution before time, money, and energy are lost and relationships are damaged.
Mediation and Facilitation
When the conflict requires a 3rd Party intervention, David’s 35+ years of experience as a neutral mediator and facilitator will help you to reach a satisfactory resolution.
One-on-one Conflict Coaching
This will teach you the valuable skills and the effective tactics you need to address potential conflicts yourself preventing them from escalating whenever possible. Ideal for when you are experiencing personal, workplace, or business conflicts, or facing challenging negotiations.
Conflict Coaching Workshops
In our Conflict Management Workshops, we teach organizations the valuable skills needed to avoid conflicts and manage them correctly whenever they occur. These skills are a powerful tool for a smooth and productive work environment.
The ability to negotiate effectively is a powerful business and personal skill.
Mediation or Conflict Management Coaching are preferred options for addressing conflict as the time, energy, and money required for of litigation continue to rise. The benefits include:
Empowers people to reach their own unique resolutions
The process is less formal and is completely confidential
The goal is to find a meaningful settlement that meets the interests of all parties
The parties have an opportunity to develop creative ways to reach a settlement
If you have conflict or have a client who has conflict we can help as a Mediator, Conflict Management Coach or with a Med-Arb process which combines both Mediation and Arbitration to ensure timely closure. When you resolve conflict effectively, life simply works better.
Book a complimentary session on how Conflict Management can help you.


Bringing Decades of Experience to the Table
For over 30 years David Gould has assisted litigation lawyers, the Insurance Industry, the energy industry, federal and provincial regulators and agencies, and commercial businesses, First Nations and Metis Communities to effectively resolve conflicts.

Resources from David Gould Mediation: